by Chris Hunt | November 2, 2018 | Video spotlight
More than 200 years ago, the entire of state of Pennsylvania was forested. By the 1930s, the whole state had been completely logged. Today, Pennsylvania is a reforested trout wonderland—it has more miles of trout streams than any state other than Alaska. But, for native brook trout, all is not well. The state’s forest are
By Scott Willoughby Snow season has arrived in Colorado. For better or worse, this year it coincides with election season. It is, of course, for the better. Despite the grumblings of a few fair-weather fishermen uninterested in facing the cold, hard reality of an early winter, the sooner we can reestablish our snowpack on the
by Jenny Weis | October 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
The a few attendees — human and canine — supporting Ballot Measure 1 in front of Beach Lake. All photos by Brian Ohlen By Eric Booton. A year is frequently simplified into seasons, and in Southcentral Alaska we have witnessed the unique collision of three different seasons. While winter has been slow to start, fall
by Chris Hunt | October 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Tracy Brown In celebration of the stunning Catskill fall, volunteers from the communities of Livingston Manor, Roscoe and Walton, N.Y., along with members of Trout Unlimited, recently gathered on the banks of the Willowemoc River to plant trees. “Fall is the perfect time of year for planting,” explained Jeff Foster, president of the local
by Brett Prettyman | October 26, 2018 | Youth
Everything came together the day I snapped the photo of Blue catching a fish that ran on the cover of the fall 2018 issue of TROUT magazine. It was a special day for sure. I try to get out with her for “daddy-daughter” time as much as possible. We manage to sneak a few days in throughout the year. The majority of the time is spent watching water, climbing trees or snacking next to the river. We do catch fish, but it is never the goal.
by Mark Taylor | October 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Tracy Brown In celebration of the stunning Catskill fall, volunteers from the communities of Livingston Manor, Roscoe and Walton, N.Y., along with members of Trout Unlimited, recently gathered on the banks of the Willowemoc River to plant trees. “Fall is the perfect time of year for planting,” explained Jeff Foster, president of the local
By Jessica Bryzek I recently started working with Trout Unlimited as the West Virginia Volunteer Water Quality and Stream Restoration Coordinator. Out of all the places I have worked, I have never felt so spoiled as I do here in Thomas, West Virginia. Surrounded by miles of primitive trails, wild mountain streams, and blue forests,