Contact: Jenny Weis, Trout Unlimited, or (952) 210-7095 Chris Tobias, Roe Hard Guide Service, or (907) 521-2927 Sport fishing, tourism businesses submit letter in support of fish habitat initiative ANCHORAGE, AK – Dozens of businesses and fishing organizations that depend on robust populations of fish and game have submitted an open letter to
No Room for Mistakes on New York’s Upper Delaware River

National Park Service photo. By Chris Wood and Jeff Skelding It could have been far worse. The Up per Delaware River dodged a bullet last week when heavy rains and flooding washed out a railroad culvert, and a 63-car train carrying an assortment of waste materials, some of it toxic, derailed near Deposit, N.Y. Two
TU study shows new angling regulations needed for California’s Rush Creek

A worthy butterball from Rush Creek. By Jessica Strickland A scientific analysis led by Trout Unlimited highlights the need for a revision of angling regulations on Rush Creek, a fabled trophy brown trout fishery in California’s Mono County where intensive restoration efforts since 1994 have enabled the creek to recover some of its former glory
Alaskans: Understanding the Alaska Supreme Court Decision on Ballot Measure One

By: Nelli Williams Trout Unlimited is supporting ballot measure 1 in Alaska, titled “An Act providing for protection of wild salmon and fish and wildlife habitat,” on which every Alaskan will have the opportunity to vote when they go to the polls on November 6. We urge all Alaskans eligible to vote to join the
Gear test: Orvis Ultralight waders

A good pair of waders is essential to most anglers’ enjoyment of our sport. So when you think about good waders, what do you think of? They need to be reliable, as leaky waders will end an enjoyable day pretty quickly. They need to be durable, built to last against the rigors of a long
Don’t wait… advocate

The author fishing during Virginia’s vibrant Fall. by Jeffrey Constantz My mom taught me the old adage: Don’t discuss money, religion, or politics in polite company. Now, as a full-grown, all-knowing, 21-year-old millennial, I have a different, more nuanced opinion. To quote The Who’s 1965 hit, “My Generation,” “I’m not trying to cause a
TU in Action: Restoring Oregon redbands; ranch access in Wyoming; exceptional water in PA, and more

TU is part of the newly launched Our Pocono Waters campaign in Pennsylvania. Photo courtesy of PA Environmental Digest. The term “partnerships” might sound kind of boring when thinking about restoring cold-water fisheries, but, truth be told, without them, precious little would get done. And there’s nobody better at fostering partnerships—and accomplishing good restoration work—than