TU has a hand in newly funded work to reconnect native trout and salmon streams around the U.S.
Infrastructure dollars hit the ground

TU has a hand in newly funded work to reconnect native trout and salmon streams around the U.S.
A film from Captains for Clean Water highlights the need to protect two critical fisheries that are at great risk: Bristol Bay and the Everglades.
Montana’s Smith River is one big step closer to protection from the development of a large-scale industrial copper mine.
There is real hope for restoring the Klamath and its fisheries, however. That’s because a multi-decade effort to remove the four dams of the Lower Klamath Project is now close to the finish line.
TU’s North Coast Coho and Steelhead Restoration Program is clearing the way for salmon and steelhead in coastal streams north of San Francisco.
I sometimes feel ashamed that my generation of anglers is the generation that put so much emphasis on how big… how many… objectifying fish as tokens of conquest.
Even with Pebble’s permit being denied, Bristol Bay is not safe, and we have just seen the first example of the new reality for Bristol Bay: a new mineral exploration permit for the Groundhog project, adjacent to the Pebble deposit.