April 14, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dean Finnerty, northwest director, Trout Unlimited Sportsmen Conservation Project, (541) 214-0642 New rules could further protect salmon, steelhead in Washington State Washington Fish and Game Commission to begin rulemaking to provide oversight, monitoring for suction dredge mining. OLYMPIA, WA Today the Washington Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously
Voices from the River: Conflict to Collaboration in Idaho

Snake River steelhead, an Endangered Species Act listed species, will benefit from a collaboration of groups in Idaho that once worked against each other. Trout Unlimited photo. By Kira Finkler Looking around the West, it is easy to find watersheds where people are fighting over too little water. In Idaho, a group of partners decided
Public support strong for proposed hydraulic fracturing regs in Delaware basin

This hydraulic fracturing well pad is located on a state forest in Eastern Pennsylvania. By David Kinney In the four months since the Delaware River Basin Commission issued proposed regulations covering hydraulic fracturing, thousands of people have come forward to speak at public hearings and in written comments about the importance of protecting natural resources
After the Mine: Montana ballot initiative ensures clean water

Montana has a long and complicated affair with mining. In the last century it has brought jobs and important products to the market, supporting local economies with tax revenue. But that relationship has also come with a price tag. In Montana nearly 10,000 miles of stream are acidic or laced with heavy metals like lead,
Mine Reclamation Initiative Advances with New Language
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2018 Contact: David Brooks (MT Trout Unlimited Executive Director), 406-493-5384, david@montanatu.org Mine Reclamation Initiative Advances with New Language New Version Provides Clarity on Exemption for Existing Mines HELENA – Sponsors of a citizens initiative addressing future mine pollution in Montana have withdrawn their original initiative filing and are advancing new
Speaking up for monuments

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, on the Oregon-California border. American sportsmen have long been advocates for strong habitat conservation policies and designations on public lands. This stems from the fundamental principle that every seasoned outdoorsperson understands: good fishing and hunting opportunity requires productive habitat—and for habitat to remain productive it must be kept largely undeveloped. This advocacy
Voices from the River: Dressing up for conservation

Helping organize rallies, like this one at the Idaho State Capitol, to show elected officials how sportsmen and sportswomen feel about legislation is an important part of the politics of conservation. Trout Unlimited photo. By Brett Prettyman Waders and work boots are the uniforms people typically think of when they envision Trout Unlimited staffers, members