Trout Unlimited is leading a major project to protect clean water in the New Jersey Highlands, as a member of the Delaware River Watershed Initiat ive (DRWI). The William Penn Foundation announced more than $40 million in new funding for the DRWI, which is among the country’s largest non-governmental conservation efforts to protect and restore
by Chris Hunt | April 3, 2018 | Conservation
By Paul A. Doscher Every late May or early June, it’s time to find the packing list, figure out which flies in the box are running low, get the groceries and head for fish camp. My friends Jack, Bobby, Tom and an assorted list of other friends who can occasionally make it, all engage in
By Mark Taylor Back when we were enjoying an exceedingly mild February, plenty of friends were confident spring had arrived early. I knew better and, sure enough, March has been a lion here in Virginia. With actual trips to the river pretty much on hold due to snow and cold, I’ve instead been living vicariously
By Natalie Stauffer-Olsen I recently enjoyed an intense discussion with a dear friend. I have known this thoughtful fellow since I was a teenager—his passion for science and research, and his encouragement, were influential in my decision to pursue a career in freshwater ecology. In this particular conversation, I found myself intently listening to his
by Chris Hunt | March 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
When I was a kid working landscaping jobs to put myself through school, I was indifferent to the sun’s harmful rays. I’d burn once at the start of summer, and then I’d just tan and be good for the rest of the work season. I know now that it’s those early sunburns that catch up
By Kate Miller Nearly halfway through fiscal year 2018, Congress finally approved an appropriations bill to fund government ag encies for the remainder of the year. Last week, President Trump signed the bill into law, bringing to a close months of tense negotiations, two government shutdowns, five continuing resolutions and lots of high drama and
Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va) recently met with Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman (right) and West Virginia landowner Greg Hulver to discuss how federal funding, such as through the Chesapeake Bay Program and several Farm Bill programs, has contributed to West Virginia trout stream and farm restoration success. (Photo courtesy of Sen. Capito’s office.) By Mark