Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday piec es on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer
Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday pieces on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer game
Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday piec es on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer
Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday pieces on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer game
by Chris Hunt | December 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
After over a decade, Pebble mine backers say they plan to file permit applications tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 22) to construct a massive open-pit mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska – one of North America’s most treasured, awe-inspiring fisheries. A region full of quiet, clear, winding rivers; massive trout and millions of wild salmon would be industrialized
by Chris Hunt | December 20, 2017 | Video spotlight
Unfortunately, not every large mining company has the ethical backbone to truly be called a “steward” of the resources they pull from the earth, especially when it comes to what’s left over when they’re done. To wit, the West is pocked by abandoned mines, SuperFund sites and permanent scars that, even many decades after mining
Dean Finnerty, man for all seasons. By Sam Davidson Many people working for TU did not start in trout and salmon conservation. Among the former corporate lawyers, loggers, resource age ncy staff, newspaper reporters, and outdoor educators now employed by TU, Dean Finnerty joins a select few who previously worked in law enforcement. Dean grew