Reflecting on an honor named for a friend and fighter
From time to time the landline would ring in the Moyer residence in the early 2000s and my wife Michelle would pick up the phone. A deep southern accent born of the hills of east Tennessee would exchange pleasant greetings with her, and then the request would come: “Darlin, we gotta get your boy workin’.…
Selling fly fishing and doing conservation
From big rod makers to small tackle shops, the fly industry makes caring for our waters part of the mission A while ago, I became a member of the American Fly Fishing and Tackle Trade Association, the trade association of the fly-fishing industry. Over the years, the group has been a strong supporter of our…
AFFTA’s Bulis steps down
It may not be considered remarkable news when the head of an industry trade association steps down, but for fly fishers across America, this one's different. Ben Bulis, president of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association for the past nine years, announced his resignation this week. Bulis helped rejuvenate AFFTA, working to first save the…
Working with the companies who make us better anglers
Ben Bulis and his son with a fine Montana wild brown trout As the official holder of the Best Job in America, it was a treat to have the runner-up, Ben Bulis, come visit the intergalactic headquarters of Trout Unlimited this week. Ben has led AFFTA (the American Fly-Fishing Tackle Association) for nearly eight years.…
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Companies that give back
I am 20 years old; sitting cross-legged on the floor of my dorm room. The words on the page are so freaking clear, but their application remains elusive. “Fly casting makes it possible to deliver a relatively weightless lure or imitation of a living creature on a target, using line weight to develop momentum.” After…
Fly fishing’s trade association on the rise
As Ben Bulis stepped up to the podium at the annual industry breakfast, the opening event of the International Fly Tackle Dealer show, he looked out at a ballroom full of people. As the president of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association, Bulis had to grin. "There are more people in this room today than…