Currently browsing… Alaska

  • Science Featured From the field

    Desperately seeking steelhead in Alaska for science

    After a long float plane flight back to Juneau, a hurried meal and a handful of Ibuprofen, I turned in for the night with one last thought – Tomorrow. Tomorrow we’ll find the fish and all of this will be worth it.

    By Mark Hieronymus After the first couple of hard-earned, bushwhacked miles, about the time we had fished every inch of beautiful holding water in this wild, remote river, and just after we finished post-holing our way through a couple hundred yards of thigh-deep snow, I started to second-guess myself.  Months of reviewing fisheries and habitat…

  • Featured

    Pebble Tapes intensify call for permit denial

    On Monday, a series of 12 videos showing Pebble Limited Partnership executives discussing various elements of the proposed Pebble Mine reveals their true intentions for a significantly larger mine in Bristol Bay, and detail considerable behind-the-scenes coordination with government officials.  Over the past two months, investigators posed as potential foreign investors in the Pebble Mine project had multiple recorded video conversations with now former Pebble…

  • Conservation Advocacy Featured Voices from the river

    Cycling to the source of the Eklutna

    As I dedicate more of my time with Trout Unlimited to help restore the Eklutna River, traditionally named Idlughetnu, I spend hours of the day with my mind 45 miles away from my Anchorage home within the fractured Eklutna River system. Though I now get to see more of the area and further my understanding of its history, there is no shortage of information I have yet to learn and areas of the watershed that…

  • TU Business

    Member Spotlight: Dave Lisi, Cooper Landing Fishing Guide

    Introducing you to our friends in the Last Frontier

    We're lucky in Alaska. Not only do we have productive fisheries with incredible scenery and ample summer light, we've got a wonderful and memorable cast of characters eager to help defend the wild and fishy places we all enjoy. This is the first post in a series from the Alaska team to highlight some of…

  • Advocacy

    Roadless Rule Repeal in Alaska? Bad idea.

    Road in the Tongass

    Keeping track of efforts to save the “Roadless Rule” in Alaska hasn't been easy.   But if you one day hope to visit the Tongass National Forest, nicknamed "America's Salmon Forest," or if you value public lands — and the jobs, cultures and recreation they sustain — you’ll want to tune in. The Roadless Rule in Alaska’s national norests could be…

  • Voices from the river Fishing Travel TROUT Magazine

    Prepping for Southeast Alaska Fishing

    Getting ready for spring fishing in Southeast Alaska.

    The days are beginning to get longer, the temperatures are starting to rise and the ice is melting on many lakes and streams around Southeast Alaska. After six months of cold and darkness, and the last month of hunkering down, a lot of anglers are beginning to dust off their fly rods and reels, tie a few new flies, and begin…