

  • Public Lands

    Thanks Antiquities Act for a great hunting season

    After a final trip to hunt Gambel’s quail in Arizona’s Tonto National Forest in February, another hunting season ends. Once shotguns and rifles are given a final cleaning all that remains is storytelling with family and friends. This is often done around backyard barbeques and the dinner table over delicious meals of wild duck, quail,…

  • Video spotlight

    Trout Unlimited Films

    How much do you know about the vital work Trout Unlimited is doing across the country? One great way to learn more is to watch some of our recent films. Discover why streams need trees in the East. Learn who was instrumental in removing the Apache Trout from the endangered species list and find out…

  • Science

    From endangered to delisted: How TU’s science team won national recognition for Apache trout recovery

    American Fisheries Society and US Fish and Wildlife Service bestow TU staff and partners with conservation awards Last month, members of TU’s science team and the Apache Trout Implementation Team (ATIG) travelled to Hawaii to receive the Carl R. Sullivan Fishery Conservation Award from the American Fisheries Society. This award is “presented to an individual…

  • From the President

    It’s official: Apache trout are back

    FWS removes the native fish from Endangered Species list in a first for a trout or salmon species The survival of Apache trout is a testament to the wisdom of protecting, reconnecting and restoring river systems to recover native trout. First listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966, they later…

  • Advocacy

    A healthy river is a connected river

    USFWS fish passage funding provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will support TU projects in Priority Waters across eight states TU members know fish, watersheds and communities benefit from connected watersheds, which is why we’re celebrating the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) announcement that 43 fish passage restoration projects across 29 states have…

  • Video spotlight

    Watch Now: Resilience

    The Rise of Apache Trout | A film by Trout Unlimited

    The Rise of Apache Trout A film by Trout Unlimited We are here to understand how this gold-splashed trout has bounced from nearly disappearing entirely to being a candidate to be removed from the Endangered Species list, the first-ever sport fish taken off the fabled (or infamous, depending upon one’s viewpoint) list. This week, as…

  • TROUT Magazine


    On Apache Trout, and the people who ensured their survival

    On Apache Trout, and the people who ensured their survival July in Arizona and the heat lies out there like some hulking great beast, a monster with an appetite that seems always unsated. It swallows all when it can, but we humans move behind glass, the bake held at bay in containers of refrigeration. A…