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Trout Unlimited Restructures Across the Rockies
New leadership and investments in people reflect growing federal partnerships and project funding across the region. Last week, TU announced a series of new investments in its people to accommodate the growing number of partnerships across the Rocky Mountains. Over the last decade, TU has secured roughly $133 million in funding partnerships to initiate and build more…
A Monumental Action at the Grand Canyon
New national monument would permanently protect the region from uranium mining and conserve important fish and wildlife habitat . Grand Canyon overlook showing the Colorado River Earlier this week, 11 local Tribal Nations hosted a press conference in conjunction with Congressman Raúl Grijalva and Senator Kyrsten Sinema to call upon President Biden to establish our nation’s…
Watch conservation from the skies in “Romeo November”
TU partners with Lighthawk and American Rivers to highlight three conservation projects helping to recover the Colorado River Basin Providing water to 40 million people, countless wildlife and the region’s economy, the Colorado River is truly the lifeblood of the American Southwest – and it is drying up, quickly. Decades of drought, climate change, and…
The second coming of the Apache trout
In a first, a salmonid is on track for delisting from the list of threatened and endangered species The promise of gold and opportunity has long been a driving force of settlement across the American West, much to the detriment of native populations and the iconic landscapes now in need of prolonged restoration and conservation…
Because We Will Feel It First, Arizona Must Lead on Climate Change
Arizona’s Senators must continue to lead on climate issues in Congress and with the Biden Administration Today, hunters and anglers are on the front lines of climate change. We are not only seeing significant decreases in snowpack and water levels in formerly perennial streams but are also witnesses to the impacts of weakening monsoon activity…
Seeking treasure in Apache trout country
Invasives and overconfidence cloud early efforts to bring an Apache trout to hand Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge, attempting to land each of the 20 native trout species in their historical ranges of the 12 states in the…
Put on your mentor hat and take someone fishing
By Jim Strogen I love to catch fish, but helping others be successful with their first fish or teaching them new fly fishing techniques is just as much fun for me. We all have home water where our knowledge of a particular lake or stream can tip the scales for someone to have a great…