
Beaver dam analogs

  • Restoration From the field

    Working together for the gold: Meadow restoration in Golden Trout country

    For the California Golden Trout, even minor levels of meadow degradation have big impacts on resident populations.

    Mountain meadows serve as a key habitat for many inland native trout species across the West. Unfortunately for California’s inland trout populations, some sixty percent of meadow habitat in the Sierra Nevada—home to eight distinct native trout species—is considered impaired.  For the California Golden Trout, whose native range sits above 7,500 feet in elevation and…

  • Restoration From the field

    Be the beaver

    Finding new appreciation for sleeping outdoors, for water, and for the work TU is doing to restore streams Falling asleep under the stars next to a crinkling creek is the best way to end a day. I learned this quickly as I began two months of conservation work in Oregon with the Northwest Youth Corps…

  • From the President

    Paying it forward in New Mexico

    I want to share a quintessential Trout Unlimited story...

    I want to share a quintessential Trout Unlimited story. Last week, I was virtually testifying before a subcommittee of the House Natural Resources Committee on a mundanely named, but important, bill called the Legacy Roads and Trails Act. As usual, the government affairs team had me well prepared to advocate for a bill that would…