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  • Boats

    Choosing the right float for the whole family

    The group text messages and emails have already started surfacing. Maybe it will become the topic of conversation in the corner at the annual holiday party. Your shiny new copy of the 2022 Trout Unlimited calendar has probably been opened a thousand times to start checking out the perfect dates. Can you guess what conversations…

  • Boats Featured Fishing

    How to use your oars

    Learning new rowing skills is key to helping boaters grow and become more adept on the water

    I know… the title of this post seems silly. One would think it's pretty straight forward, and it is. Until, you start learning new specialized techniques and pushing yourself into more difficult whitewater situations. Or maybe you're are just starting out rowing. It's always nice to have some basic information to rely on. While we…

  • Boats

    Keep ice for drinks all week long with this tip

    Summer river trips, particularly in the desert southwest where our family and friends enjoy playing, can be scorching hot. Sometimes so hot that all you can do to escape is dunk yourself into the 50 degree water passing by your boat to cool off. However, my mind tends to wander directly to iced beverages and…

  • Boats


    Milestones. Like shifting winds off the canyon walls, they come and go without warning. While often more prevalent when we are younger, milestones appear easier to recognize as we age. A couple of weeks ago, without notice, one happened. On the drive back from the river, I announced it to my wife, who was quietly…