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  • Boats

    Simple tips for fishing from a boat

    Maybe you booked a trip last year and it was postponed. Maybe you or one of your friends was fortunate enough to purchase a new boat this past year. Either way you’re going to need to learn how to properly fish from a boat at some point. Full disclosure, I’ve made all of these mistakes…

  • Boats

    Back that trailer up

    It’s a common scenario. You pull up ready for a day on the water and the boat ramp is a circus. Gear, dogs, boats and people everywhere. You’ve done your due diligence and prepared your boat off to the side and are now ready to launch. I’ve had a couple of stressful moments trying to…

  • Boats

    A raft without air?

    How a small leak can mean big problems down the line in·flat·a·ble /inˈflādəb(ə)l/ Inflatable. Pretty simple to infer what it means, but by definition it’s the capability to be inflated with air. It also happens to be one of the most important components for any inflatable raft, kayak or paddle board. A couple weeks ago, after…

  • Boats

    Boats in books … and dreaming about rivers

    by Greg McReynolds I’ve read “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame to all of our kids. It’s a wordy book, full of the kind of slow, descriptive prose that is perfect for winding down a restless four-year-old just before bedtime.   My favorite passage comes early in the book, after the mole leaves his…

  • Boats

    Learning from our mistakes

    The greatest part about making mistakes is learning something new. Some say if you’re not making mistakes then you’re not getting better. I couldn’t agree more. Recently, on a trip down to southern Utah with the family in tow, I learned that it’s no fun to disassemble an entire 14-foot raft and all of its…