Currently browsing… Bristol Bay

  • Conservation Fishing TROUT Magazine

    Make your voice heard

    Brian Wimmer, the fly fishing ambassador at Sundance Mountain Resort, says it all when it comes to the proposed Pebble Mine in the headwaters of the world's most important salmon rivers. "I can't believe we're having to do this again," he says in the Orvis video above. "It just pisses me off. I thought…

  • Community Conservation Fishing Travel

    Alaska’s Koktuli River on display

    Simply put, the rivers you will see in Koktuli Wild are ground zero for impacts from the Pebble mine if it were to go through.

    All photos courtesy of Brendan Wells and Eric Parker In the face of the proposed Pebble Mine, Trout Unlimited and other groups representing sportsmen, commercial fishing, and Alaska Native Tribes have been sharing stories for more than a decade of the pristine wilderness, intact ecosystems of the Bristol Bay region and their critical importance to…

  • Community Conservation Fishing

    From Bristol Bay to the Bronx

    Rob shows that real Alaskans fish for carp Washington, D.C., is a long way from Dillingham, Alaska, but that’s where Triston Chaney spent his 19th birthday. Triston was among a group of commercial fishermen, lodge owners and outfitters who came back to the nation’s capital to discourage the EPA from permitting the proposed Pebble Mine…