Currently browsing… brook trout

  • Trout Talk

    What’s your vote for America’s ‘national fish?’

    The author's choice? The smallmouth bass. USFWS photo. It’s a silly question, but it’s fun. And it’s Friday. If you were to vote for a national fish, what would it be?  The brook trout currently holds the title of most revered freshwater “state fish” with nine states—including Michigan, Pennsylvani  and New York—making it their choice.…

  • From the President

    From Red Brook to Bristol Bay: scaling conservation

    A few days ago, the people of Wareham, Mass., delivered a victory for conservation. They voted overwhelmingly against the wishes of their town administrator, and four of their five selectmen, and denied a 775-acre development in the headwaters of Red Brook. The development likely would have harmed one of the relatively few remaining populations of…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    The cult of the invasive fish

    Growing up in the Denver suburbs, one of my favorite childhood haunts was a public park a short bike ride from home. It sported the sketchy jungle gym with the sharp, rusty edges, the little spring loaded ridable critters that, with enough momentum, could send a small child into orbit, and a small lake that…

  • Restoration

    TU Driftless team makes progress in Iowa in 2020

    Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Iowa. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here's a rundown of the projects. North Bear Creek - In January 2020, the Iowa DNR acquired from the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation 115…

  • Trout Talk

    Winter blues, cabin fever and Appalachian envy

    April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. —T.S. Elliot It’s still cold and gray here in the steppe country of eastern Idaho. Snow still covers the yard. Snow is still in the immediate forecast. Winter’s not done yet. Not even…

  • TROUT Magazine

    The beauty of close

    Sheer granite cliffs rose out of Lost Lake where I pulled my first small brook trout out of the water, an elk hair caddis in its mouth. Scarlet Indian paintbrush, yellow glacier lilies and purple elephant head padded the banks of the next lake like a cheery grandmother’s doormat. White and blue columbines clung to…