Currently browsing… brown trout
What’s your vote for America’s ‘national fish?’
The author's choice? The smallmouth bass. USFWS photo. It’s a silly question, but it’s fun. And it’s Friday. If you were to vote for a national fish, what would it be? The brook trout currently holds the title of most revered freshwater “state fish” with nine states—including Michigan, Pennsylvani and New York—making it their choice.…
National Park Service targets brown trout at Lees Ferry
by Jim Strogen The Colorado River below Lake Powell is a blue-ribbon rainbow trout fishery loved by anglers across the country. While this reach is among the prettiest places that I have fished, and one that I try to return to as often as possible, there are issues on the river that are important to…
Urban trout stream in Pennsylvania benefits from Keystone Fund
Pennsylvania’s Monocacy Creek is featured in a new video from Trout Unlimited and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. The short video — the second in a series — highlights the crucial role the Keystone Fund has played in helping to preserve and promote this important public fishery. Stay tuned for more videos highlighting why the…
Newsletter highlights productive 2020 for Driftless team
For the past two years, the DARE team has been providing free pollinator seed to enhance Driftless Area streams. The seed mix is not intended to replace the planned seeding mixture, but to supplement pollinator plants into the mixture.
The COVID pandemic presented a variety of challenges for the Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort team, but solid progress on Driftless stream restoration projects moved forward in 2020 and the team has aggressive plans in place for 2021. One of the key elements of the TUDARE founding platform is collaboration. The success of TUDARE over…
TU Driftless team makes progress in Iowa in 2020
Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Iowa. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here's a rundown of the projects. North Bear Creek - In January 2020, the Iowa DNR acquired from the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation 115…
2020 busy for restoration in Wisconsin’s Driftless Area
Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Minnesota. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here's a rundown of the projects. Bohemian Coulee – Wisconsin DNR executed a large project restoring 5,240 feet of trout…
How to turn ‘movers’ into ‘eaters’ when streamer fishing
A few days ago a friend was telling me about a fishing trip when he used a familiar phrase. “We moved quite a few fish,” he said of the float trip on a Pennsylvania stream known for its big brown trout. That sentence, one I’ve uttered plenty myself over the years, is basically a euphemism…