Public Servants: An appreciation
I could name three dozen public servants who continue to inspire and motivate me, across many federal agencies.
Celebrating the good work of our federal agency partners When I was beginning my conservation career in the 1990s, a distinguished research hydrologist named Jack King let me stay with him in Idaho for a few months. It was there I had my first (and last) artichoke. When my actual talent was betrayed by my…
Biodiversity needs a chance to flourish on BLM Lands
Sometimes it seems utterly hard to fathom the losses of biodiversity we are facing today. A jarring report published last year noted the abundances of freshwater species across the globe have declined over 80 percent since 1970. Born just shortly before this, by the ripe old age of 8 or 9, I was concerned enough…
Colorado River Cutthroat restoration in the Green River watershed getting a boost from BLM
TU, BLM ink $8.867 million partnership for watershed restoration across the West. For over a decade, Nick and Hilary Walrath have been a power couple of Wyoming water restoration, working with landowners, universities, state and federal agencies, and local contractors to restore and enhance the Green River watershed where they call home. Both raised in…
South Park – not the TV show – goes for gold in new resource management plan
After eight years of waiting, new plan in Colorado offers insight into the potential future of public lands management across the West. Since 2015, Trout Unlimited has been at the table with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Royal Gorge Field Office and other stakeholders working to update the Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the…
BLM proposes saving the best of the West through oil and gas leasing reform
Comments are needed through September 22nd to help bring balance back to public lands Across the West, 73 percent of the remaining native trout habitat is located in watersheds on public lands. Native trout were once abundant across the country, however more than 50 percent of trout populations have been widely extirpated from their historical…
Making a monument: Feds host first public hearing on proposed Grand Canyon National Monument
Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument will help preserve the beauty of this idyllic landscape for generations to come. Earlier this week, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) hosted the first public meeting to receive feedback about the proposed Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument. This follows…
A boom for trout (and taxpayers)
New drilling policies are a win for fish and wildlife. Now we need to modernize oil and gas leasing rules on public lands. Last month, as part of landmark climate legislation, Congress acted for the first time in decades to modernize the outdated oil and gas leasing program on our public lands. The reforms signed…