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  • Conservation Advocacy

    Last best chance for recovery of Klamath salmon and steelhead

    There is real hope for restoring the Klamath and its fisheries, however. That’s because a multi-decade effort to remove the four dams of the Lower Klamath Project is now close to the finish line.

    Anglers and others who care about healthy rivers can help by submitting comments on key environmental analysis The Klamath River system historically has been the third most productive for wild salmon and steelhead on the West Coast. But its legendary salmon and steelhead runs are teetering on the brink of collapse. There is real hope…

  • From the field

    Future of the Yellowstone

    Winding streams, abundant wildlife, and year-round beauty. The Yellowstone River is as iconic and awe inspiring as it gets. Flowing 660 miles from its origin in Yellowstone National Park to its confluence with the Missouri River, the Yellowstone rises and falls, untamed by any dam. The river is the very essence of wildness, yet it…

  • Barriers

    Photos capture dramatic salmon rescue in Maine

    By Mark Taylor and Jeff Reardon  Stranded in an isolated pool below a dewatered dam, the large Atlantic salmon scooted back and forth, knocking its snout into rocks as it frantically looked for escape.  Salvation came in the form of a long-handled net. An employee with the Maine Department of Marine Resources scooped up the salmon, hustling the fish to…