
Elwha River

  • Dam Removal

    The Elwha River: A wild ride through a decade of dam removal

    A connected river is good for nature, period. And because we are a part of and depend on nature, it is good for humanity too. 

    John R. McMillan, Science Director, The Conservation Angler All photos provided by John McMillan “The river will never recover!” This is one of the responses I've seen in recent months from skeptics of the historic dam removal project currently underway on the Klamath River – the largest such project ever to date.  This claim is…

  • From the President

    The next half-century of hydropower

    How hydropower relicensing clears a path for migratory trout and salmon Trout Unlimited cares about hydropower because trout and salmon are migratory fish and the fact is, dams are tough on migratory fish. In the case of the Columbia and Snake River dams, for example, the downstream delayed mortality for juvenile smolt at each of…

  • Dam Removal

    On the Elwha, dams came down, steelhead came back.

    Wild summer-run steelhead, once prolific in the Elwha, were functionally extinct before the dams were removed. Six years later, they were back.

    Life After Dams Part 1 of a series. This week, we’re telling stories about what happens when dams come out and life flows back in. It’s a vision of what could be on the lower Snake: a free-flowing river and wild fisheries staging a remarkable comeback. It is not always possible to restore wild places…

  • Featured

    Rising from the ashes

    This is a special week for steelhead anglers, and others who care about the magnificent sea-run form of rainbow trout in its native range of the Pacific Northwest. On Friday at 5 p.m. PST, Wild Steelheaders United will launch "Rising from the Ashes," a new film on the resurgence of summer steelhead in Washington’s Elwha…