

  • Headwaters

    A future with fish

    It’s almost odd to look back at milestones and what they meant to me at the time. First fish on a fly rod. First fish on a dry fly I tied. First twenty-fish day. First 20-inch fish on a No. 20 fly I tied myself.

    Once upon a time there was a dude who drove a blue, manual transmission Ford Focus into California’s Sierra Nevada by himself to catch rainbow and brook trout on caddis flies he tied himself. He thought highly of himself. He had persevered through the days of catching branches and bushes more than fish and graduated…

  • From the President

    The Last Score

    Memories of a generous father Dad rubbed his hands as he often did when making a deal. The guy running the estate sale wanted $600 for three paintings. “I looked it up on the internet. You can check yourself. They are worth twice that!” Dad said, “I will give you $200 for the two 12”…

  • Fishing The True Cast Trout Talk

    The True Cast – My Dad Caught a Trout!

    Maybe the best “catch” of my life…

    Birds eye view of man casting from a boat

    Maybe the best “catch” of my life… So much in fly fishing has to do with family and passing the tradition down from generation to generation. Dads teaching daughters, mothers teaching sons, and all that. Which is wonderful.  That’s the thread. And that’s what makes fly fishing amazing. It’s never, ever, really about the how…

  • From the President

    Boys Becoming Men

    Measuring the passing of time during a week in Canada

    Three young men fishing from a dock with a big, beautiful, calm lake in the background

    Measuring the passing of time during a week in Canada. For a few months longer, until Wylie turns 20, I will have three teenage sons in the house.  Three sons It is a magical time in their lives, and for me, too, watching the slow but blindingly fast transition from boys to men. I am…

  • Special Places Community

    Kids, work, and wild salmon

    Raising a family amid a campaign to protect Alaska’s wild fish Author’s note: My story is one of many who have invested in this fight over decades and generations. This is written with gratitude to the entire community of advocates that continue to push back this irresponsible mine. I acknowledge my privilege in choosing to…