Currently browsing… Family

  • TROUT Magazine Fishing

    A letter to my daughter

    When the world feels on the brink, can a child bring us back?

    By Christine Peterson Our feet fall a little to the right on the smooth, gray stones. We sit where glaciers once pulsated slowly over thousands of years. They grew and shrank, grew and shrank, slicing into the rock and earth with each movement, creating this valley and leaving behind a clear, rocky river.  All I…

  • Boats

    Photo Gallery: First Float

    Over the Memorial Day weekend, my family and three others took a wonderfully run whitewater class from River Rescue Dynamics (@riverrescuedynamics) in Grand Junction, Colo., then had the privilege of spending three days in Ruby and Horsethief canyons in far western Colorado and Utah. This was a “let the kids (all nine of them) run…

  • Boats

    Everyone rows

    Reminders can be a pain. I certainly understand. If you’re anything like me, you lean on the ignore side of reminders more than the take action side. But there are some reminders that simply should not be ignored and when it comes to safety, we should all listen. We raft with a lot of different…

  • Boats

    Dinner Time Conservation

    I understood what years of talking about water, rivers, fishing and agriculture have done to them. It’s made them advocates. It’s made them passionate.

    Most every home has a dinner table ritual. Ours is a mixed bag of content typically. With an eight- and ten-year-old often leading the discussion it’s our job as parents to listen and respond when appropriate. These are moments in my day I look forward to. Like a trip down a river, they’re filled with…