Currently browsing… fishing

  • Community From the President

    The magic of water

    An angler no longer asks himself, ‘Why do we fish?’

    An angler no longer asks himself, ‘Why do we fish?’ My grandfather was a fishing fool. He lived down the Jersey Shore and would fish for bluefish or whatever else was running whenever he could. The fishing gene didn’t really pass to Dad. He was too busy playing hoops to ever really get into angling. …

  • steelhead The Versatile Angler Trout Talk

    A foray into ‘centerpinning’ for steelhead

    When was the last time you fought a hot 10-pound fish on a reel with no drag? For me, the answer was “never.”

    Another fishing experiment in a lifetime full of them. The strike was surprisingly violent. Really, it was just surprising. How often does that happen? We take a minute off. Or maybe just a few seconds. And boom! In this case I had been flipping the end of the fishing rod in hopes of removing a…

  • Trout Talk

    Can we be done with “ripping lips” already?

    I was talking with some long-time friends the other day during a social hour at the International Fly Tackle Dealer trade show in Salt Lake City, and the conversation inevitably wandered into our latest fishing adventures (surprise, surprise).  “We had the best time on the Green the other day, we absolutely destroyed ’em…” said X.…

  • Trout Talk

    Five ways to make that old fly rod sing like an opera star

    If you’re like me, you cannot help but wonder as you stare at the “old faithful” fly rod, taking note of its nicks and scratches, its sun-bleached blanks and well-worn grip: “Do I really need a new rod?”

    Get ready… here it comes. It’s spring, the fishing season is dawning and next week is the International Fly Tackle Dealer trade show. Which means everyone who fly fishes is about to get bombarded with all sorts of marketing-speak about fancy new fly rods featuring the latest, greatest technologies that promise to up your game…