Currently browsing… fishing
The Biggest Fish: Stories from a record-breaking season in Bristol Bay
Check out the big fish stories and pictures from our Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassadors, Trout Unlimited members and even our CEO, Chris Wood.
We are preaching to the choir when we say that Bristol Bay is one of the most sought-after fishing destinations on the planet. With a seemingly unending landscapes full of rivers and streams teeming with wild Pacific salmon and trophy trout, each fishing season creates memories of big catches, too-close-for-comfort bears, and family-and-friend memories that…
The Clean Water Act at 50
Landmark law is still at work keeping waters clean from the source to cities As 50th birthday celebrations go, it was a wet and cold affair. This week, I joined environmental policymakers from the White House and Congress in marking the anniversary of the Clean Water Act, one of the most important laws signed in…
Kirk Deeter asks: “Do I still love fishing anymore?”
This week I returned from a three-month sabbatical from Trout Unlimited. How did I use it? Well, I worked a bit on writing a book. Played some golf but my handicap didn’t drop as much as I had hoped. Gave a few talks, started swimming again, and canned some peaches. Looking back now, I’ll admit,…
Steel dreams: Driving home what’s at stake on the Snake
People often refer to rivers of the Northwest as some of the last truly “wild” places in the Lower 48. The Clearwater River in Idaho is one of those places. The Clearwater is well known throughout the Northwest for its iconic salmon and steelhead runs, particularly its B-run steelhead that spend approximately two years in…
Unfishing Season
Abstaining from fishing doesn’t just happen. There must be a reason. As New Mexico swims through its third fat month of monsoon season, I’ve barely noticed how much water is in our streams. Winter was scary dry, then our shirt-sleeve spring collided with New Mexico’s largest-ever wildfire. Every morning from April to July, I stepped…
From the Editor: Share your stories about daughters, fishing and conservation
Like many others, my own fly-fishing story is influenced very much by women anglers and conservationists.
Thank you for the many notes of appreciation we’ve received for the current issue of TROUT magazine focused on daughters, fishing, and conservation. We’ve probably had more positive feedback on this one than any other I can remember. Kudos to the editorial team, especially to deputy editor Samantha Carmichael, who spearheaded the “Daughters of TU”…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Beverly Smith
After what amounted to a game of charades, I finally figured out she was talking about false casting with a fly rod. So, on with the sunglasses and hats and watch out, because she’s whoosh-whooshing!
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Beverly Smith Vice President for Volunteer Operations Whoosh-whooshing I get asked a lot, “What’s your trick? Why do your girls still like to fish?” It’s often small talk so my answer ranges between quips like, “It’s all they know, so they just don’t know to protest.” Or, “Snacks, lots and lots of…