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  • Trout Talk

    The benefits of remote work

    This may sound a bit tone deaf, and my sincere apologies if that’s the case -- circumstances impact all of us differently. But working remotely, thanks largely to the coronavirus outbreak, is not without its benefits.  I know a lot of us are itching to get back into the office and resume “normal” as soon…

  • Boats

    Back that trailer up

    It’s a common scenario. You pull up ready for a day on the water and the boat ramp is a circus. Gear, dogs, boats and people everywhere. You’ve done your due diligence and prepared your boat off to the side and are now ready to launch. I’ve had a couple of stressful moments trying to…

  • Trout Talk

    Going back to the vest

    We've all been there — water lapping at the top of our waders, shallower water a few feet distant but the spot directly in front maybe just a few inches too deep. During a recent outing I stood waist-deep in a chilly run, wondering if I needed to turn around and wade back into the…

  • Boats

    The River Dog

    Dogs have their place on a boat, period. Pardon my preference to the canine companions we all love so much but it’s true. When you bring a dog on a boat, or in our case a barge sized raft loaded to the gills with camping equipment, you often spend your day receiving smiles and waves…

  • Trout Talk

    Snake train your dog, for you and for them

    This is Maya. Maya is a 3-year-old pudelpointer, and she’s the best bird dog I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve had a handful because I enjoy hunting upland and waterfowl, probably as much as I enjoy fly fishing (shhhh… don’t tell the brass at TU I just said that).  No offense to Tess, Belle,…