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Old memories with Dad … new ones as Dad
My dad and my youngest son don’t know each other very well. Initially it was because my dad lived in another part of the state and visits were too few and far between. In more recent years their ability to connect on a personal level has been hampered by Alzheimer’s, and now, appropriate separation issues…
#ResponsibleRecreation winners announced on Wednesday
Trout Unlimited wishes to thank the hundreds of entrants in this spring's #ResponsibleRecreation drawing. The contest is complete and a grand-prize winner, a second-place winner and a third-place winner have been chosen. All three winners will be announced on TU social media channels on Wednesday, June 17, so stay tuned. One of these winners could…
Growing the Trout Unlimited community on Father’s Day
As we did for Mother’s Day and for America's essential workers during the ongoing viral pandemic, Trout Unlimited is offering free memberships to dads who are new to TU, love to fish (or want to learn) and care about conservation. We’re looking for people who want to make a difference in the future of our…
Post your #ResponsibleRecreation content soon
Practice #ResponsibleRecreation, win a fly rod
Trout Unlimited is giving away a new Sage X fly rod to one lucky angler who shares his or her #ResponsibleRecreation content on social media, using both the hashtag and by tagging TU (@troutunlimited). Entries for the give-away must be posted by Monday, June 15. While many states have "reopened," the COVID-19 outbreak is still…
Pay attention and get involved so nobody has to make The Last Cast
New film focused on impacts of climate change By David Brooks I met Alec Underwood when he interned for the Montana Council of Trout Unlimited six years ago. Although he was barely of age to buy a beer, Alec had already dedicated years serving as a TU chapter board member. With the exception of an…
Why are we here?
What would happen if TU went away?
After I graduated college, my older brother, John, introduced me to a friend who was a Jesuit priest. At the time, I was a somewhat aimless ice-cream factory worker and an assistant high school football coach. One night after dinner and drinks with my brothers and me, Father Donald asked me three questions. “Chris, what…
The coronavirus may change fishing as we know it
Ironically, 2020 is “The Year of the Rat.” Given how 2020 has unfolded so far, I actually consider that to be an insult to rats. But we are seeing some lifting of the pandemic fog where I live in Colorado and in many other places around the country—and fishing definitely stands to be affected… for…