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Pay attention and get involved so nobody has to make The Last Cast
New film focused on impacts of climate change By David Brooks I met Alec Underwood when he interned for the Montana Council of Trout Unlimited six years ago. Although he was barely of age to buy a beer, Alec had already dedicated years serving as a TU chapter board member. With the exception of an…
Why are we here?
What would happen if TU went away?
After I graduated college, my older brother, John, introduced me to a friend who was a Jesuit priest. At the time, I was a somewhat aimless ice-cream factory worker and an assistant high school football coach. One night after dinner and drinks with my brothers and me, Father Donald asked me three questions. “Chris, what…
The coronavirus may change fishing as we know it
Ironically, 2020 is “The Year of the Rat.” Given how 2020 has unfolded so far, I actually consider that to be an insult to rats. But we are seeing some lifting of the pandemic fog where I live in Colorado and in many other places around the country—and fishing definitely stands to be affected… for…
Take the TU climate change survey
Take TU's climate change survey and help us direct our future work in this important arena.
Anglers and conservationists across America, regardless of their affiliation with Trout Unlimited, are invited to participate in TU's new climate change survey. The purpose of the survey, crafted by TU's National Leadership Council workgroup on climate change awareness, is to gather information from America's anglers and conservationists that might help TU better direct its efforts…
Share your #ResponsibleRecreation posts and win a fly rod
Everything is a little different these days, thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and how and where we fish should be different, too. That said, fishing can be perfectly safe if we take the right precautions, and we're encouraging all TU members and supporters to get outside and go fishing, but to do so using…
Prepping for high-country angling
For backcountry anglers, now is the time to make sure your gear is ready
One quick glance at the high peaks of the Caribous is all any backcountry trout angler in my neck of the woods needs to come to the realization that it’s going to be a while. Snow cornices still grace the tops of Red Ridge, and Fall Creek is running dirty. Getting up high to the…
TU launches #ResponsibleRecreation campaign
Trout Unlimited, along with a host of conservation partners, today launched the #ReponsibleRecreation campaign, an effort to encourage anglers and other outdoor recreation enthusiasts to get outside and enjoy America's great outdoors, but to do so wisely and with great caution as the country continues to endure the COVID-19 pandemic. TU, of course, is focusing…