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  • Advocacy Conservation

    NM streams debate: Court can balance recreation, conservation

    Should New Mexicans have the right to wade, float and swim in all the state’s waterways? And if that’s the case, what does that mean for private landowners?

    As first seen in the Albuquerque Journal. By: Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited and Harris Klein, New Mexico Trout Unlimited Council Chair Soon, the New Mexico Supreme Court will settle the controversy about what the state Constitution has to say about the extent of the public’s right to access streams throughout the…

  • Conservation

    Beer boost: Team effort improves habitat on Virginia’s Beaver Creek

    By Mark Taylor  A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va.  Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program.  The…

  • Voices from the river Featured TROUT Magazine

    Put, take … and eat

    Early season trout fishing on the high desert of Idaho

    There’s a little desert trout stream that catches runoff from the Bitterroot and Lemhi ranges in eastern Idaho, and it’s easy to get to, even during spring “mud season.” The creek isn’t anything terribly special, really. It’s managed for water delivery and as a put-and-take fishery—its habitat is pretty marginal, given its high gradient and…

  • Community Featured

    To fish or not to fish during the outbreak

    Can we safely go fishing during the outbreak? A retired emergency room physician answers the questions we've all be asking about the wisdom of hitting the water during these troubling times.

    A trout stream running through a canyon at sunset.

    Editor's note: The following first appeared in Angling Trade magazine. Admittedly, things are moving fast and my own opinions have evolved quite a bit in the past several days especially. But one thing that really sticks out and absolutely warms my heart is the sheer class and integrity of the many people in fly fishing with…

  • Science Featured

    New StoryMap highlights Tippy Dam project in Michigan

    Highlights of the important restoration work on the Manistee

    Trout Unlimited has produced an informative ArcGIS StoryMap highlighting an important 2019 restoration project on Michigan's Manistee River.TU, the Forest Service, Huron-Manistee National Forest and other partners completed Phase I of a multi-year project aimed to restore the severely eroded banks of the Manistee River below Tippy Dam in Wellston. The project site, known locally…

  • Community Featured

    Spring Fly Showdown: The final four

    The Prince Nymph squares off with the Elk-hair Caddis, and the Adams goes up against the Woolly Bugger

    The first-ever TU-Loon Outdoors Spring Fly Showdown comes down to four much-loved fly patterns that likely have homes in fly boxes all over the world. Two classic dry-fly patterns, an old-school, yet still-beloved nymph and likely the best streamer pattern ever tied. Game 1: Elk-hair caddis vs. Prince Nymph Tying the Elk-hair Caddis. Like…