Currently browsing… fishing

  • Fishing The True Cast Trout Talk

    The True Cast – Poise

    Even now, If I could earn any one word, it would still be “poise.”

    The tallest one-word compliment I ever got in my life came from a high school English teacher, Bill Schoff, who was tasked with providing one word to describe a student upon their graduation from Germantown Academy in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. Mr. Schoff was a magnificent writer who contributed to The New Yorker and many other…

  • Fishing The True Cast Trout Talk

    The True Cast – Patience

    They say “patience is a virtue” and I’ve never encountered any situation in this world that better fosters patience than fly fishing for trout. In many years of fly fishing, including both great successes and dismal failures, I have learned that the number one factor that separates a truly great angler from the rest of…

  • Fishing

    Audience of One

    DIY anglers have only regulations and their own consciences to follow We made the agreement long before we headed north. We were driving down a highway in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains, recapping our recent fishing trip (for tiny brook trout) and planning the next one (for monster bull trout). “If we have any luck finding bull…