Yellowstone: Still open for business
Here’s how you can give back to the communities and businesses that give so much to visiting anglers and outdoor lovers Feast or famine—that is the weather pattern in the West. My friend Nate Blue recently wrote and told me that his town of Bodfish, Calif., had received 0.95 inches of rain so far in…
Common sense climate solutions in a divided government
Anglers are optimists. We often stay out late for repeated “last casts” in the hopes of landing a big fish. For those of us who care deeply about trout and salmon, we need that optimism, because for multiple reasons, many populations are in decline and it sometimes seems that we are fighting a rearguard action. Scientists tell us…
The time for action on climate change is now
As keen observers of nature and careful students of science, anglers know well that the science of climate change is becoming clearer and more indisputable with each passing year. As high temperature records continue to fall week after week, month after month and year after year, now is the time for TU’s members and supporters to act. That's why it's critical to…