Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • TU Business

    TU Business: Hubbard’s Yellowstone Lodge

    Hubbard’s Yellowstone Lodge has twice been selected as an Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Lodge of the Year. That’s a prestigious honor, awarded by people who know the ins and outs of running a lodge.

    At Trout Unlimited, we do all kinds of events. We do everything from the barbecue after the river cleanup to big blowouts like the upcoming CX3 in Portland, Maine. And we’re pretty fussy about where we do them, because a big part of any event is the location. The first law of event planning (or…

  • Community

    Writer, trailblazer, innovator, humorist …

    ... and much more. TROUT mag columnist Paul Brunn wins coveted award from American Museum of Fly Fishing Nothing warms my heart more than seeing someone receive the recognition they richly deserve. So it will be in a few weeks when TROUT magazine’s “Classics” columnist, Paul Bruun, receives the 2022 Izaak Walton Award from the…

  • TU Business

    TU Business: Barbless Flies

    Barbless Flies is one of a handful of international TU Business members. They’re great promoters of ethical fish handling and the work of Trout Unlimited.

    I’m a big fan of barbless hooks, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. Experience has taught me that fish are easier to release when you use a barbless hook, and science has taught me that we kill fewer fish when we go barbless. But you have to wonder why we continue to buy…

  • Trout Talk

    Is it time to ramp up?

    Yes, our rivers are crowded. Here’s one idea for helping create more space on the water. I don’t know many anglers who would argue against public access. I sure won’t. As more families and individuals discover the magic of fishing—often for reasons far more important than the act of pulling on fish —it stands to…

  • TU Costa 5 Rivers Fishing

    A passion, a hobby, an art, a sport

    At TU's Costa 5 Rivers Meetup in Wisconsin, students learn why fishing and conservation go hand in hand Editor’s note: Student anglers recently converged on Wisconsin’s Driftless region for a weekend of fly fishing, camaraderie, and volunteerism at the Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers Midwest Meet-Up. The following article was written by Linnea Turner for…

  • TU Business

    FishSki Provisions

    FishSki is dedicated to producing great food for the great outdoors.

    On a fishing trip long ago, we were halfway to our destination on the backroads of the sagebrush sea in southwest Wyoming when I asked my best friend Joe what he had brought in the way of food. He gave me a sharp look and said, “Beer. What else do we need?” That answer seemed…