Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • Trout Talk

    The truth about fly reels

    Are they fish brakes? Purring music-makers? Works of art? Answer: all of the above. There are two schools of thought on this one.  On the one hand, there are those who think a reel is nothing but a glorified line holder. They don’t see how spending money on fancy disc-drag systems makes any sense at…

  • Trout Talk

    Can we be done with “ripping lips” already?

    I was talking with some long-time friends the other day during a social hour at the International Fly Tackle Dealer trade show in Salt Lake City, and the conversation inevitably wandered into our latest fishing adventures (surprise, surprise).  “We had the best time on the Green the other day, we absolutely destroyed ’em…” said X.…

  • Trout Talk

    This is the golden rule of trout fishing

    Watch what the river does, and what the fish do. They’ll tell you how to go about your fishing, much better than any guide, or YouTube video, or book or magazine article ever will.

    Some people are just “fishy." Among anglers, that’s tall praise. You probably know what I mean. You’re out for an afternoon on the river with friends, and it’s a pretty average day. But for some reason, Susie is catching fish left and right, while everyone else is struggling. The consensus: “That Susie is fishy!” The…

  • Conservation

    Frank Moore, angling and conservation legend, passes away

    A life spent not just chasing steelhead but fighting to protect the water they called home.

    Longtime proprietor of the Steamboat Inn was instrumental in protecting the iconic North Umpqua River The world of fly-fishing and conservation has lost a giant.  Frank Moore, a legendary angler and advocate for Oregon’s North Umpqua River, died Sunday.  He was 98.  A decorated World War II veteran who fought on the beach at Normandy on D-Day, Moore settled in the small…