Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • Fly tying Trout Talk

    The easiest mouse pattern you’ll ever tie

    I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I should be tying for this sure-to-be-epic adventure in the Andes, and I got back a single-word reply from one of them: "Mice."

    A quick-and-easy adaptation of the Morrish Mouse. All photos by Chris Hunt. I'm headed down to Chilean Patagonia early next month — I'll leave the chill of Idaho's autumn for spring in the Southern Hemisphere, all for some trout fishing based out of Magic Waters Lodge. I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I…

  • Fishing Featured

    Fly Fishers International plans first-ever Virtual Expo

    Photo courtesy of Fly Fishers International. TU members can attend the Nov. 5-7 event at a big discount Fly Fishers International is hosting its first-ever Virtual Expo Nov. 5-7, and Trout Unlimited members can attend the event at a special discount. The event will feature fly-tying demonstrations, fly casting lessons from expert instructors, presentations from…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    The lost art of roll casting

    I wonder why we don’t pay more attention to roll casting. I can’t count the number of books written about perfecting loops and the overhead cast, but there’s a lot less on roll casting. This, despite the fact that when I’m actually fishing, I find myself rolling over false casting at about a 3-to-1 ratio……