Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • Trout Talk

    ‘To thine ownself be true’

    The Roan Plateau in northwest Colorado. Sharing creates advocates, while oversharing creates problems “To share or not to share…” If Hamlet were a fly fisher instead of just an angst-ridden 30-something pining for his dead father, this might have been what he uttered as he pondered the value of his own life. For, much like…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Why fly fishing is like pizza

    Pizza is pizza, right?  A little crust, a little sauce, some cheese… bada-bing! There you go. Not hardly! Perish that thought. Great pizza is an artform. It should be a perfect balance involving great crust, delicious sauce, golden cheese and fantastic toppings. If any of those four elements are deficient in any way… meh pizza!  The operative word…

  • TU Business

    Learn from the best at School of Trout

    There’s a great deal to be said for doing one thing and doing it with excellence. My friend Todd Tanner and the folks at School of Trout do that with fly fishing. Boy howdy, do they ever. They bring together the planet's finest and most iconic fly fishers to share their experiences, their knowledge, their…