Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • Boats Fishing

    From the vault: Everything but the fish

    Editor's note: This piece was published originally in TROUT Magazine in the winter of 2019. Boating and fishing take us to some pretty amazing places. I personally of am the opinion that taking photos should tell a complete story, not just a piece of one. The below piece here is as it was published in…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    What’s your best day ever?

    Could you put a finger on your best day ever fishing? I know exactly when mine was, well at least so far. My dad and brother were visiting us in Glenwood Springs to fish for a few days in early fall. The weather was cool and crisp in the mornings leading to temperatures I live…

  • Gear reviews

    RIO’s Elite Tarpon line did the trick

    An angler casts to tarpon in Mexico.

    It might sounds counterintuitive, especially to new anglers, but having a good line can make a long day of casting heavy fly rods much less exhausting. Having just recovered from a year and a half worth of cancer treatments, I was grateful for that fact. On our recent trip to Tarpon Cay Lodge in Rio…

  • Fishing

    Seeking treasure in Apache trout country

    Invasives and overconfidence cloud early efforts to bring an Apache trout to hand Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge, attempting to land each of the 20 native trout species in their historical ranges of the 12 states in the…

  • Trout Talk

    The tug or the mug?

    Is there anything more beautiful than a brook trout? Chris Hunt photo. I love trout. I particularly love wild trout. And, frankly, I don't really care how big (or how little) they are. But this spring, I've been something of a fishing dilettante. Bonefish in the Bahamas. Carp in the desert. Oscars and peacock bass…