Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • Trout Talk

    The high-holer … and how not to be one

    If you see another angler in the water, keep walking. Find another stretch of river or stream and give everyone their space. Don't be a dreaded high-holer. Chris Hunt photo. Late last summer, I visited a beautiful stretch of a small stream in eastern Idaho, nestled up against the Wyoming border. The portion of the…

  • Trout Talk

    Fishing and filming to ‘Escape’ the pain

    “I knew the bugs would be smashed up against the bank and the angle and light would all be just right, but I was in pain. I ended up arguing with myself but seeing the shot already in mind forced me to get up and be a functioning human being. I knew if I didn’t go then, I would miss it. Things couldn’t have worked out any better. I owe that to the river.”

    Autoimmune disease spurs new fishing film featured in the Fly Fishing Film Tour Anglers are often heard saying, “I have to go fishing”. The statement isn’t just an excuse to get on the water when Ryan Kelly says it — it’s a fact of life.  And since he has to go fishing to keep his…

  • Fishing

    Drawn to Wyoming’s native cutthroats

    Heidi Lewis with the Bonneville/Bear River cutthroat she used for the Wyoming Cutt-Slam. McKenzie Carlisle photo By Heidi Lewis Five years ago, I had no idea what a cutt-slam was. After many adventures with family and friends, I’ve now completed slams in two states. The first time I heard about a slam, I was in…

  • Trout Talk

    Aim small, miss small

    My son, Paul, and I are elk and deer hunters. A few years back, we had the good fortune of meeting up at the rifle range with our friend Matthew (last name anonymous because he’s working a high-level security detail now) who is a former SAS sniper. He spent two days coaching us on the details of precision shooting.  We went over everything from breath control, to the delicate process of…

  • Trout Talk

    A clean fly line makes for a clean cast

    When I was younger, I put myself through college mowing lawns. I worked for a great guy who built a solid business trailing lawn mowers all over the Denver suburbs and unleashing a team of college and high-school kids to get the work done.  But every Monday morning, instead of meeting at some Cherry Hills…

  • 20 Questions

    20 Questions: Mark Melnyk

    Editor’s note: Every so often, we’ll put movers and shakers in the fly-fishing world on the spot with our version of the Proust profile questionnaire. We’ve asked our subjects to be brutally honest and as forthright as they choose as they answer questions that might make them think, reminisce and look forward in their lives. And, honestly, some of these…