Currently browsing… Fly fishing

  • Community Featured Fishing

    Blues and fly fishing: two intertwined pursuits

    How are the blues and fishing intertwined? Check this out

    An angler fishes the salt off of Vancouver Island.

    I have been a lifelong musician and fisherman, but it wasn't until I really  seriously started fly fishing that I realized how closely the two pursuits are intertwined.  Becoming a blues musician has been a lifelong learning process that never seems to end. I can say the same for my fly fishing life. By the time I…

  • Featured Trout Tips

    Tying the Sweet Pea

    This time of year, I really love to fish double-nymph rigs, using a heavier bug as the lead fly and trailing behind it a smaller fly, but maybe something a little more impressionistic than what I might expect to see in the river. For instance, with lower flows here on the South Fork of the…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    These hips don’t lie

    Crawling around small creeks was an exercise in bad yoga, as I dragged myself to standing by grabbing branches and logs. When I finally had the hip examined, I was told what I already knew

    The John Muir Wilderness in California.

    Two summers ago, I agreed to join a backpacking trek with some friends I hadn’t seen since college.  Our mission -- honoring the life of a mutual friend who’d passed away -- took us deep into the Sierra Nevada range, a 54-mile journey filled with golden trout and jaw-dropping views of ice-etched peaks and verdant hanging valleys. As…

  • Trout Tips Featured

    Tying the Black and Tan jig

    Tying the Black and Tan jig.

    Fall across North America generally means low and clear water, particularly on freestone trout streams where flows aren't manipulated by upstream dams. And that means wary trout in skinny conditions. Chasing fall trout during low water can be a lot of fun for sight-fishing, but fish are also on high alert for predators and, in…

  • Community TU Business

    Chad Brown from Soul River Runs Deep

    Join me on September 28 – that’s Monday – at 1 PM PDT @troutunlimited when we talk with Chad @soulriverinc about his exciting new “Love Is King” initiative. Clear your calendar and tune in – this will be awesome

    You probably know this guy. If you don’t, you should.  This is my friend Chad Brown -- one of the most remarkable human beings I’ve ever met. Chad is the founder of Soul River Runs Deep, a great TU Business member in Portland, Ore. He’s a decorated US Navy veteran who received multiple honors after…