
fly rod

  • Fishing

    Blue Collar Bamboo

    Restoring a piece of fly fishing history

    Restoring a piece of fly fishing history New bamboo fly rods often command hefty prices and long waiting lists appropriately reflecting the time and craftsmanship put into them, but there was a time when even anglers of modest means could fly fish with bamboo.   Mass-produced bamboo fly rods from the 1920s through the 1950s…

  • Trout Talk

    The truth about fly reels

    Are they fish brakes? Purring music-makers? Works of art? Answer: all of the above. There are two schools of thought on this one.  On the one hand, there are those who think a reel is nothing but a glorified line holder. They don’t see how spending money on fancy disc-drag systems makes any sense at…

  • Trout Talk

    Five ways to make that old fly rod sing like an opera star

    If you’re like me, you cannot help but wonder as you stare at the “old faithful” fly rod, taking note of its nicks and scratches, its sun-bleached blanks and well-worn grip: “Do I really need a new rod?”

    Get ready… here it comes. It’s spring, the fishing season is dawning and next week is the International Fly Tackle Dealer trade show. Which means everyone who fly fishes is about to get bombarded with all sorts of marketing-speak about fancy new fly rods featuring the latest, greatest technologies that promise to up your game…