Fish and fire in the West
In June 2013, researcher and fisheries biologist Ashley Rust and her family were at their family cabin near Creede, Colo., when an afternoon rainstorm—a frequent occurrence in the San Juans at that time of year—worked through the area. The system brought little in the way of rain but contained lightning all the same, andover the…
Bugs have stories to tell
Since the beginning of time fire has played a big part in shaping the western landscape. And that is even more true today with larger, more intense fires with more frequency. We dove into two researchers' stories who determine the impacts of fires to forests and ultimately our beloved rivers––one in the summer issue of…
Keeping an eye out for wildfires
Sunset over the Caribou National Forest, Idaho. Chris Hunt photo. I've spent the last couple of days working from one of my favorite places in the world -- an out-of-the-way campsite in the middle of the Caribou National Forest. Some years back, while fishing the little trout stream near camp, my phone rang in my…
Trout Unlimited survey: Anglers worried about effects of climate change on trout
Increasing number of members supports steps to address climate impacts Nearly nine in 10 Trout Unlimited members acknowledge that climate change is happening, and three in four are worried about global warming, according to the third in a series of surveys conducted by TU's Climate Change Workgroup. The latest survey shows a steady uptick, with…