
Good Sam

  • From the President

    Good Samaritans get to work

    What’s next in tackling abandoned mine pollution

    What’s next in tackling abandoned mine pollution It’s been 20 years since the New York Times wrote about how Trout Unlimited, by working with unlikely partners, surmounted hurdles to cleaning up abandoned mines. That story highlighted the ways that federal laws hold Good Samaritans liable for pollution they want to clean up—as if they were…

  • From the President

    A major victory on abandoned mine cleanup

    Thanks to the bipartisan leadership of U.S. Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Jim Risch (R-ID), we are closer than we have ever been to fast-tracking work on the scourge that is America’s abandoned mines. For the first time, after two decades of work, Good Samaritan mine cleanup legislation has cleared a full chamber of Congress…

  • From the President

    A ‘grand bargain’ on mining

    Meeting America’s clean energy needs & reforming outdated mining laws American Fork Creek, located about halfway between Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, harbors populations of a rare native trout called the Bonneville cutthroat. Twenty years ago, I stood on its banks looking out over the dirt bike paths and all-terrain vehicle trails crisscrossing mining…

  • Advocacy

    Bipartisan Win for Abandoned Mine Cleanup

    Good Samaritan legislation advances key Senate committee with unanimous consent To watch cable news, you might think that our country is hopelessly divided on partisan lines. If you work in conservation, though, you see that genuine bipartisanship is possible with a lot of hard work. Today, the Senate Energy & Public Works Committee passed the…

  • Advocacy

    On Capitol Hill, TU Offers Pragmatic Solutions on Mining Reform

    Good Samaritan Bill Receives Praise in Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Mining Reform On Capitol Hill yesterday, Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood testified in the Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee about two pieces of mining legislation: the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2023, introduced by subcommittee chair…

  • Advocacy

    Fishing for Answers to the Critical Minerals Conundrum

    TU continues to focus on mining issues, policy changes and water quality impacts so you can focus on fishing.

    A clean energy future and healthy watersheds depend on policy solutions for responsible mining. And we’re on it.    Let’s be honest, when you’re out on a river fishing, mining is probably the last thing you’re thinking about. And that’s understandable; it’s hard to focus on one of the biggest challenges of our time while…