Currently browsing… Idaho
A time for carp
I just got back from a week in the Bahamas, where I put in long days on the flats stalking wily bonefish. It was good practice, because now, as runoff starts to cloud my local trout rivers, it's a time for carp. Wait. Bonefish? As a practice run for carp? Oh, hell yeah. Particularly if…
Karmik Outdoors stands with TU on the Lower Snake
Some things just disappear. The rod tube cradling my beloved Winston 5-weight somehow took wing and soared out of my backpack and landed on a county road. Knives have evaporated from my pockets and have never reappeared. Sunglasses vanish like Jimmy Hoffa, never to be seen again. All this is mostly just an annoyance if…
Do it for the fish that made a river famous
If the determining factor in the effort to save the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout of Idaho’s South Fork of the Snake River is how hard cutthroats fight at the end of a leader … well, then, the fight is already lost. The perception that introduced rainbows—spawned from mongrel strains engineered in hatcheries over decades—offer anglers…
Is this Heaven?
No, Morgan ... it's Idaho I had just finished leveling the camper when Morgan pulled up in his white sedan. It’s a process—leveling the camper—made a bit more complicated thanks to a slightly hyper mutt running around while I work the jacks, wondering why we can’t just go straight to the creek. “Who cares if…
WorldCast Anglers
Check out WorldCast Anglers in Victor, Idaho. WorldCast is a long-time TU supporter and Gold Level Business Member.
What does it take to make a great day on the water? There are probably a million different answers to that question. Do you have to catch a hundred fish? Probably not. One really great fish? Maybe. Do you have to walk away smiling and itching to come back for more? Undoubtedly. A good friend and…
Put, take … and eat
Early season trout fishing on the high desert of Idaho
There’s a little desert trout stream that catches runoff from the Bitterroot and Lemhi ranges in eastern Idaho, and it’s easy to get to, even during spring “mud season.” The creek isn’t anything terribly special, really. It’s managed for water delivery and as a put-and-take fishery—its habitat is pretty marginal, given its high gradient and…
Broad coalition urges Northwest governors to action on salmon, steelhead
Editor's note: The following was delivered today to Govs. Kate Brown (Ore.), Steve Bullock (Mont.), Jay Inslee (Wash.) and Brad Little (Idaho) from a coalition power companies, conservation groups, the transportation sector and community utility coops. Feb. 24, 2020 Dear Governors Brown, Bullock, Inslee and Little: The debate over the management and impacts of the…