Currently browsing… Infrastructure
Why Trout Unlimited backed the infrastructure and climate laws
The answer starts with our mission to care for and recover rivers and wild and native fish Congress did something very unusual over the past year. It passed and the President signed into law two huge pieces of legislation that will provide great benefits for trout and salmon for many decades to come. Some people…
In Oregon, we’re building a ‘Salmon SuperHwy’
How federal infrastructure dollars are clearing the way for anadromous fish Across the Pacific Northwest, undercut or collapsing culverts are among the biggest problems for salmon and steelhead. To address this problem at the watershed scale in Oregon’s Tillamook and Nestucca River systems, TU led the creation of the Salmon SuperHwy program, a partnership-driven effort…
Clearing the way for wild steelhead on the Carmel River
TU restoration leader on California’s Central Coast takes his steelheading, and steelhead conservation, very seriously. Few anglers have fished more successfully for steelhead than Tim Frahm, TU’s Central Coast Steelhead Coordinator. For six decades on famous steelhead waters such as the Trinity, Klamath and Gualala Rivers, fishing exclusively with a single swung fly, Frahm…
In Michigan, schoolkids get their hands dirty for healthy trout
What images come to mind when you picture your schoolyard from childhood? Do you see stark, barren scenes dominated by hardscapes? Or verdant, lush environments teeming with songbirds and pollinators? On a hot day last May, Crestwood Elementary School in Michigan took a step toward the second vision thanks to staffers from Trout Unlimited, local partners and the school—as…
Why “Infrastructure Week” was a big deal for trout and salmon
What do bridges, highways, and rail have to do with wild and native trout and salmon? In the case of the recently enacted bipartisan infrastructure bill, known as the BIF, a whole lot. TU staff played important roles in helping to shape many important provisions in the bill. At a deeper level, TU has spent…
Senate passes ‘transformational’ infrastructure bill for fish
Let’s face it: the word infrastructure suggests concrete, rebar and L.A. freeway interchanges rather than productive coldwater fisheries and a fine day of wading a clear, cold trout stream. Yet infrastructure is mission-critical for Trout Unlimited. That’s why TU has launched groundbreaking programs such as the Salmon SuperHwy in Oregon. The infrastructure bill includes $1…
Taking in the infrastructure of nature in New Mexico
Humans are coming to grips with the damage we've done ... and the need to repair it Even in New Mexico, a state so over-endowed with emptiness that one can find a place to hide a body almost anywhere, Gila country is about the loneliest place imaginable. The closer you get, as I realized on…