

  • Headwaters Trout Talk

    Trout Tips: kids teaching kids

    There’s no better test of your knowledge than teaching, and an eager group of Michigan Trout Camp alumni were ready to face that test. Armed with their rods, accoutrements (many thanks to Scientific Anglers) and excitement, we embarked on our five-day journey of filming Trout Tips: Kids Teaching Kids. Kids take on teaching their passion…

  • Fishing Women Youth

    Joy and Wonder

    I caught my first fish with a fine, mesh net in the creek behind my childhood home. The silver minnow measured no more than a couple inches, but your uncle and I placed it and a couple others in a bucket and carried them into our house like treasures pulled from the deep. We kept…

  • The True Cast Trout Talk

    The True Cast: Upstream, downstream.

    Some thoughts on teaching kids about fly fishing.

    Some thoughts on teaching kids about fly fishing. I’m often asked by eager parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, what is the right age to introduce a kid to fly fishing? My answer is always the same: It depends on the kid! And, more important, it depends on how you define “introduce to fly fishing.” A…

  • Boats

    Photo Gallery: First Float

    Over the Memorial Day weekend, my family and three others took a wonderfully run whitewater class from River Rescue Dynamics (@riverrescuedynamics) in Grand Junction, Colo., then had the privilege of spending three days in Ruby and Horsethief canyons in far western Colorado and Utah. This was a “let the kids (all nine of them) run…