The fish are back!
Salmon and steelhead are roaring back above the recently removed Klamath dams. Now, what comes next? One of the truly magical moments of dam removal is when the fish start returning to their historic, reconnected habitat. It is a tangible moment in a process that can take decades to accomplish, and it confirms our hopes…
An ongoing commitment to restoring the Upper Klamath
As the Klamath River is reconnected, Chrysten Rivard reflects on the partnerships and dedication guiding TU’s work for the basin’s fish, water and communities Salmon, steelhead and lamprey have been absent from the Upper Klamath Basin for more than 100 years. As we ready ourselves for their return to the cold, spring-fed tributaries and headwater…
Klamath reconnected: The four dams are gone
Blasting at Copco 1 Dam. Photo: Swiftwater Films Big things happen when committed people decide that failure is not an option Between my roles at Trout Unlimited and on the board of directors at the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC), I’ve visited Iron Gate Dam countless times over the years. But this time, it was…
New Podcast: Klamath dam removal updates
TU’s Brian Johnson and filmmaker Shane Anderson join The River Rambler podcast to share observations from the biggest river reconnection project in history Brian Johnson, TU’s senior policy advisor for western water and climate returned to The River Rambler podcast for a fascinating conversation about the unfolding Klamath dam removals with host Richard Harrington and…
Bringing the salmon home
On the border of Oregon and California, the largest dam removal ever attempted, anywhere on the planet, is underway on the Klamath River.
When the dams come out, the Klamath will come back. May 2024: The Klamath River dam removal is well underway. The smallest of the four dams to be removed, Copco 2, is already gone. The reservoirs behind the three remaining dams – Copco 1, Iron Gate, and JC Boyle – were drained this winter and…
Klamath Reservoir Drawdowns: Short-term Costs for much larger long-term gains
The Klamath dam removal process is well underway and has received a lot of attention - both positive and negative. In some cases, outright misinformation has been spread by opponents of dam removal. As this massive restoration project unfolds, it is a great moment to provide an update and highlight how extensive project planning has…
Klamath fish reintroduction effort receives additional capacity
The 2024 Oregon legislative session ended last week, and Trout Unlimited is pleased to share that the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Klamath Fish Reintroduction effort received important funding to fully monitor the first returns of anadromous fish to the Upper Basin this fall. The largest dam removal project in history is underway…