Currently browsing… Maine
NOAA biological opinion unrealistic for Kennebec River recovery
Atlantic salmon runs in U.S. waters have endured blow after blow over the past two centuries. They just received another one. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) this week released a Biological Opinion (BiOp) on an energy giant’s proposed solutions to improve fish passage infrastructure at four hydroelectric dams on Maine’s Kennebec River, one…
Maine’s Atlantic salmon on the brink
Removing the four lower dams on Maine’s Kennebec River may be the best hope to save Atlantic salmon in the U.S. The Hydro Kennebec Dam is one of four dams on the Kennebec River that block migratory fish from moving upstream. Spring was a time of renewal and reward in Maine in the pre-industrial age. Hardened…
Four refuges to add to your summer bucket list
As you make your to-fish-list for the summer, don’t overlook these hidden gems.
As the days get longer and the weather warms up, it’s natural to feel excited to go outside and float rivers, fish streams, and hike trails. No matter what part of the country you live in, there’s always a new place to explore. Although they are sometimes overlooked, we recommend visiting a National Wildlife Refuge…
Newsletter touts 2021 highlights New England
This past year, it was great for our New England staff, along with our members and partners, to get out on the streams once again to start chipping away at a backlog of projects since most work came to an abrupt halt right near the beginning of the 2020 field season due to Covid. Thankfully…
In Maine, fish following ancient instincts find newly open rivers
But recovering Atlantic salmon will mean removing more dams on the Kennebec Life After Dams Part 2 of a series. This week, we’re telling stories about what happens when dams come out and life flows back in. It’s a vision of what could be on the lower Snake: a free-flowing river and wild fisheries staging…
New England Newsletter — Highlights of 2020
You don’t need us to tell you that 2020 was a challenging year. The pandemic created lots of hardships for TU’s field staff in New England, including the postponement of many projects. Always flexible, the New England team did a great job reacting to the difficult situation. For example, when fieldwork days took place, they were modified to ensure all participants adhered to COVID-related safety measures. Staffers…
NRCS awards $1.8 million to TU for projects in New England
Trout Unlimited has been awarded nearly $1.8 million for a suite of stream restoration efforts in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The $1,795,495 award is from the Natural Resources Conservation Service through its Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). “I’m excited to announce the first RCPP awards under the 2018 Farm Bill,” said NRCS Chief Matthew Lohr. “Through collaboration and aligning our…