Currently browsing… Maine
Newsletter highlights successes in New England
From reconnection projects to in-stream habitat restoration, Trout Unlimited’s staff had a great year in New England in 2019, and are teed up for another big one in 2020. The efforts helped improve access to dozens of miles of previously out-of-reach streams for the region’s trout and other stream-dwellers, while also improving habitat in rivers…
Draining pond in Maine has good unintended results
By Jeff Reardon Since 2014, TU’s Merrymeeting Bay Chapter has been focused on brook trout in coastal streams, at least some of which migrate downstream to saltwater for part of their life. They’ve been working with me to document brook trout populations in previously un-surveyed streams by angling and electrofishing surveys; monitor water temperatures with long-term data loggers; and,…
Spawning brookies in Moosehead Lake offer hope in the face of challenges
The headline was an attention grabber, and the story went viral almost instantly: “Monster Brook Trout Are Spawning on Moosehead Lake’s Shore.” Based on my Facebook feed about half of my angling acquaintances immediately made plans for winter ice fishing or shoreline trolling right after ice out next May. Maine’s Moosehead Lake is legendary. The largest…
In the East and Midwest, LWCF benefits those who love the outdoors
Take action to #SaveLWCF By David Kinney and Taylor Ridderbusch In 2016, sportsmen and women in Maine celebrated the successful end of a seven-year project to preserve an 8,159-acre parcel known as Cold Stream Forest (above). It was a step that protected a 14-mile native brook trout stream and seven ponds. “Cold Stream is one…