Currently browsing… Michigan

  • Conservation From the field

    In Michigan, schoolkids get their hands dirty for healthy trout

    What images come to mind when you picture your schoolyard from childhood? Do you see stark, barren scenes dominated by hardscapes?   Or verdant, lush environments teeming with songbirds and pollinators?  On a hot day last May, Crestwood Elementary School in Michigan took a step toward the second vision thanks to staffers from Trout Unlimited, local partners and the school—as…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    The best month of the year

    So… if I could pick one month to fish anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, it would start now….  This is what I consider the “golden month.” Granted, it isn’t a “calendar” month, per se, but it is the best month to be a die-hard angler, in many places in America. Mid-September to mid-October. This is…

  • From the field

    Grand Valley State students shoot ‘Tree Army’ film

    Last fall, Grand Valley State University students from the ‘Producing for Clients’ class worked with Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan to produce a video covering the exciting new initiative called the Rogue River Tree Army. Students filmed footage and interviews over multiple field days as the Tree Army, made up of staff and volunteers, planted thousands of…

  • Conservation

    Newsletter features 2020 highlights for Great Lakes team

    We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s Great Lakes team soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead…

  • Community

    Trout Unlimited expands Tree Army to more Michigan watersheds

    Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Tree Army planted 17,067 trees along rivers and streams throughout the Rogue River watershed over the last two years. Its "soldiers" are just getting started. The Tree Army, which is funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the U.S. Forest Service, is made up of TU staff, seasonal work crews and volunteers. This year, the Rogue River Tree Army…

  • Responsible Recreation Featured Youth

    TU and Forest Service team up for Michigan intern program

    In 2020 Trout Unlimited, in partnership with the Huron-Manistee National Forest, ran a program that employed interns on three Wild and Scenic Rivers.  The interns represented both Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service, informing river users of the regulations, providing information on coldwater resources as well as Wild and Scenic designations and Leave No Trace principles.  Interns were stationed at river landings to check permits (where required) and educate…