
Multiple Population Viability Analysis

  • Science Featured

    TU trout population estimation model used for humans

    It’s safe to say no one thought the model created for trout would end up estimating human populations in remote areas of Africa.

    Scientists often use models created by others to do conservation work, but sometimes they create new methods to obtain specific information for their needs. Trout Unlimited scientists recently collaborated with a group of outside scientists to estimate abundances for trout populations across the entire range of a threatened Lahontan cutthroat. It’s safe to say no…

  • Science Conservation TROUT Magazine

    Lahontan cutthroat a poster child for modeling extinction risk

    Researchers work to gather data on Lahontan cutthroat trout. Jason Barnes/Trout Unlimited Determining the conservation needs of at-risk wildlife species is complicated business. Federal and state wildlife agencies—and their partners — need to assess the unique characteristics of different populations to understand the conservation needs of a given species. They typically ask questions like: “Which…