Currently browsing… native trout

  • Restoration

    Trout Unlimited presents: Spread Creek, Wyoming

    A new TU film about reconnecting a river is a story of resilience, persistence, community, and thriving cutthroat trout. In 2010, Trout Unlimited removed an obsolete, crumbling irrigation diversion dam on Spread Creek, located just outside of Grand Teton National Park on Bridger-Teton National Forest lands. The partnership effort opened well over 50 miles of…

  • From the field

    Against all odds, these native trout survive

    In the Rio San Antonio, TU is working to restore a vital and vulnerable watershed. A river in northern New Mexico that harbors three native fish species — Rio Grande chub, Rio Grande sucker, and Rio Grande cutthroat trout — is named for the largest free-standing mountain in the country. The spectacular landscape notwithstanding, it’s…

  • Fishing Conservation Featured

    Little water and big hopes

    Shortly before departing for the nearly 20-hour drive south from my home in Idaho my contact in New Mexico casually mentioned on a call how the snowpack was only 16 percent compared to the average and to keep my fishing expectations low

    Western Native Trout Challenge: Pursuing one of the world's rarest trout across scorched earth Editor's note: Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to accomplish the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge. He will attempt to land each of the 20 native trout species in their historical ranges of…