

  • Community Responsible Recreation

    New face coverings designed to keep anglers safe during outbreak

    Trout Unlimited this week unveiled its new double-lined face coverings designed to be worn by anglers who fish with and alongside others as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the nation. The coverings resemble cut-down face gaiters often worn for sun protection, and while they may certainly provide some ultraviolet relief, the face coverings are primarily designed to reduce…

  • Community Featured

    To fish or not to fish during the outbreak

    Can we safely go fishing during the outbreak? A retired emergency room physician answers the questions we've all be asking about the wisdom of hitting the water during these troubling times.

    A trout stream running through a canyon at sunset.

    Editor's note: The following first appeared in Angling Trade magazine. Admittedly, things are moving fast and my own opinions have evolved quite a bit in the past several days especially. But one thing that really sticks out and absolutely warms my heart is the sheer class and integrity of the many people in fly fishing with…