

  • Advocacy Conservation Government Affairs

    Bill to fund abandoned mine cleanup moving forward

    A Pennsylvania creek runs orange with mine pollution.

    Much-needed legislation to continue funding abandoned mine cleanup is moving forward in Congress. The House Natural Resources Committee this week approved H.R. 4248 by a voice vote following testimony from lead sponsor Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA).  “H.R. 4248 would ensure that states and tribes can continue addressing challenges presented by historic mining operations,” Chris Wood, President…

  • Conservation Government Affairs

    TU urges Congress to keep funding mine cleanups

    A Pennsylvania creek runs orange with mine pollution.

    Trout Unlimited joined a bipartisan group of partners and lawmakers last week in calling on Congress to provide continued funding for the cleanup of abandoned mines and the legacy pollution of historic coal production.  The House Subcommittee for Energy and Mineral Resources met to discuss H.R. 4248, which would reauthorize the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 and provide ongoing funding through 2036. TU…