Currently browsing… Priority Waters

  • Restoration From the field

    Trout Unlimited Presents: Flowing Free

    Recovering native trout and restoring communities in Wisconsin On a seasonably mild early September day last year, Chris Collier stood on a bridge deep in Wisconsin’s Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. As he watched the creek flow under his feet, Collier couldn’t help but smile. The newly installed bridge had replaced a culvert blocking fish passage, and…

  • Restoration From the field

    Working together for the gold: Meadow restoration in Golden Trout country

    For the California Golden Trout, even minor levels of meadow degradation have big impacts on resident populations.

    Mountain meadows serve as a key habitat for many inland native trout species across the West. Unfortunately for California’s inland trout populations, some sixty percent of meadow habitat in the Sierra Nevada—home to eight distinct native trout species—is considered impaired.  For the California Golden Trout, whose native range sits above 7,500 feet in elevation and…

  • From the field

    Planning for the Klamath dams to come down

    TU partners with NOAA to prioritize high-impact restoration projects in anticipation of salmon returning After decades of advocacy and work by a dedicated coalition of tribes, conservationists, anglers, and commercial fisherman, four dams on the lower Klamath River are finally coming down. Removing these barriers will improve water quality, greatly reduce the disease outbreaks killing…

  • From the field

    The call for rapid change

    The call for rapid change Greg McReynolds Dec 12, 2022 Beneath the slack water, it’s all still there. The main channel, braided in places, lined with reef and rock, hemmed in with granite and the dark loam that fueled the old orchards. Only 100 feet of water, less in most places, inundates the river below.…

  • Conservation Advocacy

    Reconnecting the Klamath

    FERC’s license surrender order clears the path to remove four old dams on the Lower Klamath River The decades-long campaign Trout Unlimited and our Tribal and conservation partners have waged to restore the third most productive river for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast has taken a dramatic leap forward. Today, the Federal Energy…

  • Fishing

    A trail for trout (and more)

    TU volunteers play key role in Maryland Fly Fishing Trail launch Pennsylvania has its “Scooped” trail of ice cream shops. There’s an “I-87 Brewery Trail” in the Catskills. Virginia touts its “Crooked Road” music trail to bluegrass enthusiasts. And now, with help of Trout Unlimited volunteers, Maryland has introduced the nation’s first statewide Fly Fishing…